I get it, really I do. I always felt that men and women are different, but in the last couple of days I have really had and insight into the fundamental differences that cause sooooooo much drama between the sexes. As I left one of my classes this week I got into a discussion with some of my students about challenges in getting their needs met. I jokingly said I would conduct a seminar teaching men the art of seduction, but they were all ears. As the discussion developed it became more clear that we need to talk.
In multiple conversations, I had different women talk about what they really wanted from their man. Nine times out of ten it was to feel respected, cherished, and adored. Yeah we want to know that you think we are sexy, but we also want to know that you think we are interesting and smart. We want you to want our bodies, but we also want you to want to talk with us.
By "we" I mean well adjusted women with a positive sense of self and tons of self-respect. There are many women out here who have father issues, self-esteem issues, and all other sorts of issues, "we" are not them. We want to love someone with all our heart and demand that we feel loved in return. We are not willing to give and give and give until we are empty. We need to be replenished. We will treat you like a king, but demand that we be treated like queens.
It seems like it should be simple, but what I have found is that most men do not know how to treat you like a queen. They still don't understand that sex is not just intercourse and that what many consider "foreplay" is the cornerstone of what the woman looks forward to. Too many guys seem to think that the breasts, booty, and coochie are the end all and be all to a woman's physique. I guess no one ever schooled them on the small of the back, inner thigh, back of the knee, back of the ear, and collarbone. No one explained that when you take a woman dancing and spin twirl and lead her around the floor you are setting the stage for a night of passion. The list could go on and on and on. Many men do not understand that they can do more with their lips and hands than they could ever do with just their dick. More than all of that, they don't get that if they simply took more time to cater to a woman's needs they could get more of what they want, SEX.
While we want men to care about our needs, I have accepted that most guys are selfish. They only care about making sure they are happy. Therefore, the conversation that needs to be had should be framed in such a way that we (women) explain to them (men) that if they do this (be more attentive to our bodies and minds) that they will get more sex. It's just that simple. Make her feel good and you can get off.
My class may be titled "How to Get Sex Whenever You Want It." Maybe I'm giving away the secret to getting almost any woman to say yes, but I bet that I will get tons of thank yous from both men and women who are finally satisfied. My mission to have hundreds of women getting what they want, so I am working on the course outline now.