Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I don't want to compete with you
I just want to build with you
I don't want to stand behind you
Can't I just walk next to you?

We're reflections of each other see
I look @ you I just see me
Together we can change the world
but you must make me your only girl

I'll treat you like the king you are
bring you the sun moon & the stars
I want your strength, respect, and love
As is below, the same above

When this are hard you lean on me
I got your back, just trust in me
Give me your heart you will find joy
I'll give you a girl and a boy

A love like this inspires life
I need you to make me your wife
We'll make a home that's safe and warm
and find comfort in each other's arms

when life is tough to you I come
with your love i'll overcome
what challenges may come to me
you make me feel divine and free

we'll laugh, love, play and live life
true meaning of husband and wife
i love you to the end of time
i and praise the day you became mine

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