Tuesday, November 04, 2008


Wow, I totally get it. It's not hard. By that I mean love & relationships. I made it hard by listening to all the lovely advice from friends and well-meaning but misinformed people. It is simple, be clear about what you want and when you are not getting it, communicate and then choose! So I met this guy, and he is pretty cool. Like anyone he had his stuff, but at the end of the day he's great. The exception would be how he is with me! By that I mean, I know how I want to be treated in a relationship and for this guy it just didn't work. I tried my best to make it work and be patient and hope that we could work it out b/c there is SOOOOO MUCH POTENTIAL! What I see now is that no amount of waiting and hoping will bring about anything. You have to communicate what you want and then if you don't get it, either choose to go without it or call it one! It took me 5 months, but last night it was clear that we don't work right now. So it's done and it's all good.

The possibility I have created is that of easy lovability! I know that's not a real word, but I am making it one. I am going to make it really easy to love me and whoever chooses to do it will be receive a reward that will make him very happy. GAME ON!!

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