Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Deja Vu

I was planning on writing a long blog about how upset I am about the
fact that proposition 2 passed here in Michigan yesterday and how that
will affect minorities and women in the state, but it all felt
strangely familiar. Then it hit me, I already did this. . . 10 years ago in 1996 when I was a columnist for the Duke University Chronicle.
I hopped online, searched the archives, and BAM!! I found my articles.
After I stopped cheesing (smiling) as I remembered the good old days, I re-read them and was amazed at how on point they were. The first one titled "Swing Toward Conservatism Resurrects Racial History" and the other "Affirmative Action Policies Ensure Fairness in Hiring" still sum up how I feel. While my thoughts were pure conjecture at the time, in 2006 with both California and Texas as proof, I have no doubt that in a few years minorities in Michigan will be under-represented in higher education unless something drastic happens.

I am a proponent of personal responsibility, and I think that minorities, the black community in particular have to do more to level the playing field, but right things are by no means equal. I am not panicked by this proposition, but it does increase my sense of urgency to affect change. I am happy Governer Granholm won again, I am happy the House is now controlled by the Democrats, but none of that is going to fix what is wrong in Michigan (state w/ highest unemployment) Detroit (city with highest unemployment in state) and my community (too many issues to list).

So much to do, we all need to step up our game and make change happen.

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