29, 30, .....
I'm entering the 4th quarter of my 30th year and of course 2006 is coming to a rapid end. Like most I tend to do my share of reflection assessment and introspection. I have a friend who just hit 29 and as I read his blog and observe his being I am reminded of me at 29. LOL i now it sounds a bit pretentious as that was just a year ago, but I distinctly remember how I felt March of 2005 knowing that in 1 year I would hit another big milestone.
It wasn't dreadful.;I wasn't hating seeing my 20's come to an end; it was inspirational. I had become increasingly dissatisfied with my job. I wasn't seeing things happen and it seemed like no matter how hard I pushed things just weren't moving. So by the time my birthday rolled around I knew somethings had to change.
I took a little trip to visit a friend (much like the one a I took a couple of weeks ago, well not really as there was no "extra" stuff going on) but as usual for me a change in scenery really helps me find focus. I knew that there would be major changes and that some of the people I was aligned with would have to go unless they made some changes. I felt like that by March 16, 2006 things had to be REALLY REALLY different.
Well I did it. By May of '05 I'd quit my job, split from my partners, and moved into a new place. Essentially, I turned my life upside down, but it felt GREAT! As the big 30 loomed ever closer I was moved to kick things into higher gear and take on any and every project that could move me forward. My July my newest and current project was revealed to me and I took it on with great fervor.
When my birthday hit, I threw myself a great celebration. FLIRTY 30 was fabulous and I was great having friends family and associates gathered to wish me well. Things were really really different. I was self-employed, and living my dream (or was it a nightmare? still trying to figure it out). Things weren't perfect, but as I had to remind myself and others who have asked when are they? They weren't perfect when I had a "job" they weren't perfect when I worked for myself. Or maybe that's the way its supposed to be.
This year has been tumultuous and full of excitement. I have impressed myself, but I still find myself driven to do more. There are things I have hesitated on and areas where fear has stopped me, but still I persevere and I vow that by 31, I will have conquered a few more demons (maybe I'll actually trying dating again).
I am staying focused and will push through the pain, revel in the joy, and be content with the in between. I just told a friend not to let anyone talk you out of anything you really want to do. The last thing you want to do is have regrets. As of today I can honestly say I have had adventure, romance, heartbreak, and euphoria, and despair, but this has been and will continue to be a life worth living!
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