Sunday, April 01, 2007

Single Saved & Having Sex

Read the Original Post

Great Item for discussion, here are my thoughts

Hmm, I might get put on blast for this one, but I don't buy it. I spent most of my life "saved," and it just wasn't worth it. I was unsatisfied, miserable, and confused. Don't get me wrong, I see how someone who spent most of her life running the streets acting a fool can try and back it up, but there is no sense in going to the other extreme b/c you feel guilty about your past.

I was born and raised in a christian household and am one of the few people who really tried to follow all the church doctrines to the hilt. When most people were being "adolescents" and living crazy I was praying and being 'christ-like." While my college roommate had more than her share of gentlemen callers, I remained true to my convictions.

However as I matured in my walk with God I learned, that there is a happy medium and I have found it. I have moved past the evangelical, fanatical phase and found a peaceful place where I have a positive relationship with myself, god, and the rest of the world.

As a single woman who respects her temple, I know that God wants us to be sexual, but safe too. Who we chose to connect with should be done with great discernment and reflection. In the meantime, self-gratification is a safe way to release sexual tension without bonding with those not meant for us. In addition, we need to work on positive ways to get our intimate needs met, such as loving touch (non-sexual) and real frienships b/c you can't wait around for a "relationship." People "back-slide" b/c the outdated rituals and rule books of most churches and religions do not address the very human need to be loved, feel desired, and feel connected with other humans.

Sorry, eventhough Ty Adams is in my home town, I can't get with what I read here.

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